Yiqiao Jin

Yiqiao Jin

CS PhD Student

Georgia Institute of Technology


Yiqiao Jin (靳轶乔, Ahren) is a CS Ph.D. student at Georgia Institute of Technology, advised by Professor Srijan Kumar.

Previously, he was working as a research intern at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA), Social Computing Group, directed by Dr. Xing Xie. He was mentored by Dr. Xiting Wang and Dr. Jindong Wang, and lead research projects on Large Language Models, Explainable NLP, Computational Social Science, and Recommender Systems.

Yiqiao also worked as an undergraduate research assistant at Scalable Analytics Institute (ScAi) on graph neural networks and recommender systems under the mentorship of Prof. Yizhou Sun and Prof. Wei Wang

  • Large Language Models (LLM)
  • Multimodal Learning
  • Social Computing
  • Data Mining
  • Graph Neural Networks
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2022-2027

    Georgia Institute of Technology (GaTech)

  • B.S in Computer Science, 2018-2021

    University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

What’s new?


Adobe Inc.
Research Intern
May 2024 – August 2024 San Jose, CA
Research Topics: Tutorial Video Understanding with Multimodal LLMs
Georgia Institute of Technology
Graduate Research Assistant
August 2022 – Present Atlanta, GA

Research Topics: Large Language Models (WebConf’24, COLM'24), Robustness (COLM'24), Fairness and Equity (WebConf’24), Social Network Analysis (KDD’23), Dynamic Graph Neural Networks (KDD’23), Multimodal Models (COLM'24).

Advisor: Dr. Srijan Kumar

Microsoft Research Asia
Research Intern
December 2020 – July 2022 Beijing, China

Research Topics: Large Language Models and Agents (ICML'24), Language Models (ICML'23, AAAI'23), Misinformation Detection (KDD'22, AAAI'22), Learning in Low-Resource Scenarios (AAAI'23), Explainable AI (AAAI'22).

Advisors: Dr. Xiting Wang, Dr. Jindong Wang, and Dr. Xing Xie.

UCLA Scalable Analytics Institute (ScAi)
Research Assistant
June 2021 – June 2022 Los Angleles, CA
Research Topics: Graph Neural Networks (WWW'23), Graph-Based Recommender Systems (WWW'23), Social Computing (AAAI'23, AAAI'22). Advisors: Dr. Yizhou Sun, Dr. Wei Wang
Software Engineer Intern
June 2020 – September 2020 Seattle, WA, USA

Worked on the backend services of Amazon FBA Team

Created IAR Manual Analysis, an AWS Step Functions workflow that uses AWS Lambda to aggregate datapoints from various data sources (S3, DynamoDB) for SageMaker ML model training, and handles $\ge$ 16,000 requests per summary stage.

Software Engineer Intern
June 2019 – September 2019 Beijing, China

Worked on the backend services of IBM Cloud.

Created IAR Manual Analysis, an AWS Step Functions workflow that uses AWS Lambda to aggregate datapoints from various data sources (S3, DynamoDB) for SageMaker ML model training, and handles over 16,000 requests per summary stage.

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Large Language Models (LLMs)
Multimodal Learning
Graph Neural Networks
Social Computing


You can reach me in Atlanta, GA / Beijing, China.


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